Our current design for Gearx Aerospace is the Gearx MK2 project, dubbed GEARX-1.

GEARX-1 is on a mission to characterise a series of 1m³ space debris targets while in close proximity to them. The 3D scans we will be able to produce will further our understanding of the interactions between the space environment and space debris. We will also use this data for further training and research purposes.

The secondary goals for our GEARX-1 mission is to gather data from the interaction between our craft and the space environment. We will achieve this through continuous observation of the degradation of our space sail on our journey home.

This debut mission for Gearx, incubated and owned by, is merely a single step along our journey to tackle space debris and circularity in low-earth-orbit head-on.

GEARX-1 & 2 are currently in development with commercial partners and is developing the following elements:

  • GEARX-1 satellite platform

  • GEARX-1 propulsion package

  • GEARX-1 optical payload for advanced debris characterisation

  • GEARX-1 optical payload for LEO environment modelling and resource commercialisation

  • GEARX-2 advanced communication and operations platform

  • GEARX-2 mechanical payload for debris manipulation and payload delivery/recovery

We are super excited about GEARX-1 & 2 missions and will be growing our team in the near future. If you are passionate about space and want to join us, please contact us directly using the link provided. We would also like to extend our invitation for you to join us on our community Discord and engage with us on X and LinkedIn.

Thank you for your support. Ad Astra!

Cameron Greatorex

Your ideas. In your hands.

GEARX-1: Chief of Operations search